Some examples are plainly a mistake on this site (which I might add you pay for access) and some are good examples of the ridiculous and objective nature of these tests
Two obvious mistakes on the website!
And yet another obvious mistake!
Well apart from the picture of the policeman being difficult to see, I would normally not drive on the wrong side of the road around the police officer (but obviously they are thinking that its ok to drive around him on the left if turning left, but seriously, how can you know what they mean with this question!)
Well personally, I would slow down here and not continue with the same speed!
And finally I would be attentive to the traffic lights, but maybe I see their point, it is no longer relevant once you have entered the intersection!
Well it may be technically ok to pass, but I wouldn't consider passing with this hill and no clear view!
Well you are obviously on a minor road here and so I would assume absolute give way duty. They say because you can not see the sharks teeth marking on the snow covered road you should assume give way right duty, which means you also assume any car approaching from your left will give way to you - now that could be catastrophic! (That's also a strange Danish rule, at T-intersections you have give way right duty even if you are on the main through road).